Sunday, July 12, 2009

12 July 09 Garden

Here are some snapshots of the garden on 12Jul09.

Elon's 10 to 11 foot corn.

Milo down by the creek. The soil is like compost, and things really grow well.

I like paths, so here are two of the paths around the place.

Anna's herb garden.

A snapshot of Elon's and Ezra's garden. It doesn't show everything.

A plat for the fall bean crop to be planted about 15 August.

Sweet corn; it's getting there!

Tomatoes are coming along.

Elon planted a variety of sunflowers on one of the fence rows. Yes, that is a rogue corn plant.

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to sneak in there at night and steal me some veggies : ) ☺ ☺
