Thursday, January 20, 2011

20 January 2011

Had an extremely busy two days at work. Seems some folk are really sick, and our ICU feels like a real ICU again.

Anna had a wonderful announcement that Theo & her are expecting their first child. This means Grandpa Gane, Granny Gane, Aunt Jenny, Mama Anna, Uncle Luke, Aunt Kara, Uncle Mark, Uncle Josh, Uncle Ezra, Uncle Elon, and Aunt LaSara. Of course there will also be Uncle James, Aunt Diana, and Uncle Ben. O, and of course, Papa Theo. Thank you Jesus.

Granny Gane is now here reading this post.

Had trouble with the Jeep battery again. Even after recharging it all night, it wouldn't hold a charge, so Josh and I changed it. Because it has a small electrical leak, I put in a total system shut off. I'll see if it works or not.

Three inches of snow came yesterday and this morning making all things pretty and white.

Why is it after work, it takes an hour or more to calm down before a person can sleep?

Monday, October 11, 2010

Elon Make 100

...100 Approver's Choice on WeatherUnderground

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

1 September 2010


A number of things have happened recently.

Sparky, our little dog, died. He was a dump dog that we found a few miles from our old house. We and some neighbors fed him and another dog, because we felt sorry for them. Sparky was always smiling and friendly. One day he was not there. Mark went to look for him and found him sick, weak, and probably dying. We took him home and following the vet's plan nursed him back to health. It took a long time, but he finally recovered and lived a happy life for us an him for over 5 years (6?).

He got sick again about 2 months ago. The vet found a loud heart murmur and probably cancer. He swelled up like a balloon. We even discussed having the vet put him down, because Sparky was so miserable. He basically didn't eat; he just laid around trying to breathe. Anna suggested counsel from the vet, which was good advice. Our vet suggested Lasix and enalapril. The Lasix really sucked the edema out of his body. So much so that he was starting to eat and move around more. He actually looked good, like his old self, except being thin.

One morning when I got up (about 4AM). I was looking out for him, not wanting to step on him. Since he was black, he was hard to see at night. I saw him and said, "Good puppy; how are you?" Normally he would thump his tail at that, but this time he did nothing. I though, "This is not good." Reaching down I felt him. He was warm, but he had no heart beat, nor respirations. He must have just died, because he was warm and flexible. Josh buried him down at the creek. He was a good puppy to have around.

It is finally raining. Most of July and August was dry and hot. I didn't even plant a fall garden, because the dirt was so dry. What would be the use; they would all dry up and die. As of this writing we have almost 4.5 inches. Thank you Lord Jesus for having mercy on us and our neighbors.

Anna keeps working our her wedding plans. She had a shower the other day, but she had no idea. She thought it was a tea party, until she arrived.

Coccidiosis has been killing our chickens. We have lost close to 10 of them--all hens. We have been using tetracycline to help fight the infection. Even though they can run around in the pasture (fenced), they do not. Maybe the cooler weather and rain will encourage them.

Friday, July 30, 2010

30 July 10

Another hot week, and it looks like it will continue for awhile.

While mowing, I see the fields growing more and more weeds, and I can't do much about it. If I had a brush hog, we could keep it in place. So I'll pray, and God will help us in some way to know what to do.

Sure am thankful for the rain. Things were drying up. We had a little over 1 inch and then yesterday we had a little over 1/4 inch which also helped.

The tomatoes and melons are overflowingly good. The alibaba melon (I think I have it right) is really, really good, so is the orange glow melon.

Anna has still been looking for a wedding location. We/they/them have been looking at quite a few places. Elon went on some of them and took a lot of great pictures.

Josh has really been busy at work. Jobs keep coming in for them. What a great blessing. I've been busy too. I had 4 hours of overtime last pay period. I do that about once a year.

Some of us have colds. Summer colds seem to be worse for some reason.

Sparky is hanging in there. His tumors are about the same. We have been giving him a little Prednisone to help reduce the swelling. He can only eat soft food now. Sleep seems to be his main activity. Even his bark has changed.

Still waiting for the camcorder. We bought one, but it didn't work so sent it back. Now everything is on backorder, not only for them but for all companies. They had an email and said they should have some next week. We will see; I might have to buy another brand.

The power company sent out a letter telling their customers that they will be spraying their power line right of ways. Because I want as little of their spray as possible I cut down 3 trees and Elon cut down one.

Have a good day.

An engagement picture of Anna and Theo by Elon:

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

7 July 10

Today is Elon's Birthday. Have a happy 16th.

The garden is looking pretty good. The melons, beans, cukes, and corn are coming along very well. The melons especially don't seem to be bothered much by the heat and dry conditions. The corn and tomatoes are looking like they need water. We have had a few tomatoes already.

Plenty of rain to the west of us (in Kansas), but not much rain here. Over a 3 day period we probably had about 1/2 inch. The showers here have been very scattered and short lived.

We shot off some left over fireworks. One tipped on its side and shot a ball into the chicken house, another close to Elon's feet (he was taking pictures), and another into a field. On July 4, Anna and some of them went to Wilbur's to buy fireworks, because he had them on sale.

Lester Weaver's funeral was last week. He had suffered much in his 10 years bout with prostate cancer, but it is all over now. See you in Gloryland, bro. It was good that the pain and suffering is over, but it was hard in another way for me, because I had prayed at least 2 times a day for Lester and Liz. Pray for the family.

Another family is suffering in our area after his dad accidentally ran over him with a lawn mower. The dad backed over him. Dad told the children to go inside; Dad saw some movement and thought they were all inside, so he backed up--right over his son. It cut off part of his arm and thumb on the left side, cut off some of his chest muscles and stomach muscles. Remember them in prayer, too.

Had the last two days off--on call actually. Anna had two days off, too--same reason. We had a real ICU patient, but the doctor was uncomfortable and shipped him to another hospital. I'm glad I don't take much vacation; I just save up my PTO and use it for times like this.

Don't forget 2 October 10, which is Theo and Anna's wedding.

Have a good day.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

24 June 10

A little cooler today, but it is still uncomfortable.

The heat has returned this summer. Last year the heat was reasonable. Rain also has been missing the past week, and due to the heat, some of the plants are starting to hurt--just a little.

I thought I had pink eye (conjunctivitis), but after seeing a physician and Dr Frier OD, for a check up, it turns out to be an allergy to something in the air. Great, a whole bunch of yellow drainage. Even my eyeball is sore. It is not bad, but noticeable. I heard about Zaditor eye drops and may try them.

Josh has been holding up in the heat fairly well. This is an answer to prayer. I can get out of the heat and have when I overheat, stop sweating, get dizzy, but Josh cannot. God has been very good. Josh goes out every Saturday to the Eldo park to preach and pass out tracts.

Wilbur's fireworks show was June 15. I didn't go, but those of the family who did really liked it. I hope Elon posts some of his super, duper pictures of the fireworks.

Anna is getting married on 2 October 2010 to Theogene Nishimwe. We are all very blessed to have Theo in the family.

Ezra is busy, nothing special.

Elon's and Ezra's garden is wonderful. We've been eating a lot from it. Now we are eating realy nice squash and asparagus beans (some of which are well over 12 inches long).

My tomatoes are about 4 inches in diameter; the potatoes are ready, so are the onions.

LaSara is busy with the chickens, cats, cooking, helping Anna find a wedding dress, etc. She sure has some wonderful stories. I hope she publishes some.

Vicky is good. I pray she could sleep better and get more sleep.

Talked to Luke and Mark a while back. It sure was good to hear there voices.

Our friend Paul can drive again. The doctor OK'd everything for him. Lester is still in a lot of pain, so we continue to pray.

We are still meeting in a rented old church house. We are praying for God's direction.

I was helping Nathan with preaching chores and spoke on Proverbs. Cheers.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

7 June 2010

I had an interesting day. I woke up and ate. The nap was ruined by the phone call from some salesman, then the part I ordered for my mower deck came (ordered Thursday and came Monday--super), then it was different enough, I had to go to Ehler's and buy some bolts. After that was repaired, I wanted to replace the blades, but they were round hole instead of star hole, I bought those from Wisconsin. OK I then put the old blades back on, place the deck under the mower, but it won't go. Elon to the rescue. After 20 min or so, it was in place. I started mowing; everything is ok until I get stuck in a hole. Elon to the rescue again, but I burned my hand in the process. I found some gloves, then we got the mower out of the hole. I started mowing again. Everything was fine until I was as far as I can get from home and run out of gas. I drag myself up to the house and hoping the 5 gallon gas tank is only 1/2 full--nope it is full, all 5 gallons worth. I lug that to the mower, fill it up, and nearly 4 hours later, I finish only MOST of the mowing. Thank you Lord. Now for the Aleve and bed. Cheers

Monday, May 17, 2010

17 May 10

Well, we have had a lot of rain. That was OK, but I learned that I should have tilled the corn patch crossways not length ways. It washed quite a bit of dirt down to the farther edge. When it dries out I'll till it the right way. I had corn planted in about 1/3 of it and thought it all washed away, but some is coming up. I'll need to put a picture up. It is still a little soft in spots as I sink in, so maybe tomorrow or the next day, I can do more weeding.

The last pay period (two weeks), I only lost 4 hours of time, nearly a record for the year. I did work Saturday early though. The supervisor asked if I could come in early, so I got there at 4:45 instead of 6:30. There were 4 patients in ICU.

Anna had a follow-up test on the dirty needle stick she had in the past. I've had those, too. No fun, ever a little fearful nowadays.

Had a phone call from Luke and Mark. It was really good to hear their voices. Yea!

Josh worked a few hours today--still wet.

Ezra's birthday is coming up. Wow 18 years old. What a great guy!

Elon has been working on his garden a lot, and he has a lot of great pictures posted on Weather Underground.

LaSara has been busy in the house and telling the funniest stories.

We have a new peep! I haven't seen her (we believe) yet, but I did see a picture.

Everything is SO green; it is wonderful.

Nathan taught on Job last Sunday (yesterday), but I was at work. The weekly reading this time will be Titus.


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

28 April 10

Had a good day yesterday. I ran a mile in the morning, then walked a mile in the afternoon. After supper I spent an hour continuing to clean out the west fence row of trees, multiflora, etc. Thankful I could do all that.

Sunday, I was placed on-call about 1:45 after my patient went to Med/Surg. That was OK with me, because I took a nap, then went to Kansas City International to pick up Josh. He went to the Ambassador Academy last week. He had classes on presenting the Gospel, answering and dealing with many situations that come up in witness, and did some street preaching. Some examples of others here.

If there is any of Josh that I can find, I'll post them.

The garden is growing well. Maybe I'll post some pictures later.

That's all for now.

Friday, April 23, 2010

23 April 10

Some rain yesterday and today--a true blessing.

The garden is well watered and so is the road--mud: )

Today was the first day we ate something from the garden. Elon's Black Seeded Simpson lettuce was ready. Yea! It tasted so good. Everything is growing well. My tomatoes are starting their second leaves. Elon's are further then mine. I guess I still have Wisconsin growing seasons in my mind. My onions, potatoes, broccoli, cabbage, lettuces, and peas are all growing well. The beets are just starting, and I may have some carrots. It is hard to tell the carrots at first, because they look like grass at first. The boy's garden is much advanced in all the above.

The children, chicken herders, built a new chicken gate out of a cattle panel and poultry netting; it looks nice.

Josh is in Santa Ana, CA at Ambassador's College for an intensive workshop/practice street preaching. This is taught mainly by Ray Comfort and his staff. He will be preaching on the streets today and Saturday. He comes back Sunday. I work Sunday, and then I go to pick him up at Kansas City.

Theo was here for the third time to see us--mainly Anna. Theo and Anna went to the KC Zoo on Saturday. It was the first zoo for Theo. We all had a good time while Theo was here.

Josh and I have been working on clearing the fence rows. There are lots of multiflora, trees, and etc. to be cleared. It is starting to look better. Hopefully in June sometime I can borrow a tractor and brush hog for Ezra--our resident expert--to clear our pastures. Ideally I would like to get some Dexter cows for milk.

Not much else. God provides for us.