Friday, July 30, 2010

30 July 10

Another hot week, and it looks like it will continue for awhile.

While mowing, I see the fields growing more and more weeds, and I can't do much about it. If I had a brush hog, we could keep it in place. So I'll pray, and God will help us in some way to know what to do.

Sure am thankful for the rain. Things were drying up. We had a little over 1 inch and then yesterday we had a little over 1/4 inch which also helped.

The tomatoes and melons are overflowingly good. The alibaba melon (I think I have it right) is really, really good, so is the orange glow melon.

Anna has still been looking for a wedding location. We/they/them have been looking at quite a few places. Elon went on some of them and took a lot of great pictures.

Josh has really been busy at work. Jobs keep coming in for them. What a great blessing. I've been busy too. I had 4 hours of overtime last pay period. I do that about once a year.

Some of us have colds. Summer colds seem to be worse for some reason.

Sparky is hanging in there. His tumors are about the same. We have been giving him a little Prednisone to help reduce the swelling. He can only eat soft food now. Sleep seems to be his main activity. Even his bark has changed.

Still waiting for the camcorder. We bought one, but it didn't work so sent it back. Now everything is on backorder, not only for them but for all companies. They had an email and said they should have some next week. We will see; I might have to buy another brand.

The power company sent out a letter telling their customers that they will be spraying their power line right of ways. Because I want as little of their spray as possible I cut down 3 trees and Elon cut down one.

Have a good day.

An engagement picture of Anna and Theo by Elon:

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

7 July 10

Today is Elon's Birthday. Have a happy 16th.

The garden is looking pretty good. The melons, beans, cukes, and corn are coming along very well. The melons especially don't seem to be bothered much by the heat and dry conditions. The corn and tomatoes are looking like they need water. We have had a few tomatoes already.

Plenty of rain to the west of us (in Kansas), but not much rain here. Over a 3 day period we probably had about 1/2 inch. The showers here have been very scattered and short lived.

We shot off some left over fireworks. One tipped on its side and shot a ball into the chicken house, another close to Elon's feet (he was taking pictures), and another into a field. On July 4, Anna and some of them went to Wilbur's to buy fireworks, because he had them on sale.

Lester Weaver's funeral was last week. He had suffered much in his 10 years bout with prostate cancer, but it is all over now. See you in Gloryland, bro. It was good that the pain and suffering is over, but it was hard in another way for me, because I had prayed at least 2 times a day for Lester and Liz. Pray for the family.

Another family is suffering in our area after his dad accidentally ran over him with a lawn mower. The dad backed over him. Dad told the children to go inside; Dad saw some movement and thought they were all inside, so he backed up--right over his son. It cut off part of his arm and thumb on the left side, cut off some of his chest muscles and stomach muscles. Remember them in prayer, too.

Had the last two days off--on call actually. Anna had two days off, too--same reason. We had a real ICU patient, but the doctor was uncomfortable and shipped him to another hospital. I'm glad I don't take much vacation; I just save up my PTO and use it for times like this.

Don't forget 2 October 10, which is Theo and Anna's wedding.

Have a good day.